I will quickly say in advance that this particular Transitional ART Forms is very heavily biased towards my own web browsing sites and locations, and as of such I most certainly have missed some great art. I'm humbly asking all of ART Evolved's members, readers, and casual visitors to keep their eyes open for Palaeo-art during their surfing, and simply fire off the links of any you find to artevolved@gmail.com. I have no problem following it up from there, but I can't add something if I don't know it is there.
With that in mind this month you'll notice a large body of 3D work from the online communities I'm involved in. To any 3D artists who visit from those same sites, but whose Dinosaur related art was not included here, I have had to make a few cut offs. I potentially could have posted another 20ish pieces, but in the end decided not to as the models and/or shaders in those pieces were not created by the "artist" who posted it. Though I am not opposed to people purchasing available models, I do not feel comfortable claiming that someone who simply reposes and renders someone else's hard worked model as them self the true artist behind the piece . I will likely be doing up a more extensive article on my philosophy behind this reasoning, but I state it now for any who might take offense.

Over on Etrilobite our hero Walcott started off with a bit of a mystery, that has now resolved with a record number of cartoon Trilobites in one place (well at least I'm making that claim!).
Over on The Tyrannosaur Chronicles, Traumador the Tyrannosaur has some new and old coelurosaur adversaries to worry about in his new adventure...

Palaeontologist Brian Beatty gives us a preview of his collaboration with Palaeo-artist Carl Buell to reconstruct a new species of Behemotops.
David Maas presents a very interesting and thought provoking look at how different mediums used in Palaeo-art can effect the viewers interpretation and acceptance of the animals restored within them. Hopefully he will consider an expanded article here on ART Evolved.