The first of these is documenting a really exciting project I've been working on in conjunction with a new palaeontologist based here in Alberta. I've been collecting all the artistic bits and pieces so far that should make for a descent new series of article.
For no reason other than subject manner of this new project, I've decided to jokingly to make this an indirect sequel to my previous Flukes series. The reason why will become clear once I post this, but for you keeners out there the skull in the logo and the big publication related to this family in 2010 should give away why I'm calling this series Flukes.
I will quickly disclaim, I need to get permission from my collaborating palaeontologist to post this stuff. As they are currently away on their holidays at moment, I will have to wait to arrange this until into the New Year. However, I don't think they will have a problem with our exchanges and progress being made public, but I leave myself the wiggle room in case this is an issue.
Hopefully watch for this shortly into the New Year.

Personally I found the experience a very educational but challenging one. It had a steep learning curve, and I couldn't imagine any legitimate scientist putting up with paying me while having to take me so much by the hand.
With my post though I hope to prepare you for some of the challenges should you one day pursue this avenue, and also hopefully highlight some of the potential benefits that come with all the obstacles too!
So watch for these and more in the New Year!
We are also looking to expand our ARTicle content. If you are interested in learning about something specific related to palaeo-art let us know so we can try and get some articles together to get you in the know. Also if you have an idea for a single shot article or a whole series of themon something Palaeo-Art just let us know and we'll make it happen! (Our email as always is artevolved@gmail.com)