Another installment of the new Encounters feature here on ART Evolved. Bringing you the run ins of our very international crew. With artists spread around the globe - from Alaska to Australia, Italy to Brazil - these sorts of encounters should be rare, yet we challenge all you
palaeo-artists (
AE members and followers alike) if you should encounter another
AE regular be sure to record evidence and send it our way (
We have yet another encounter from Canada (Toronto Ontario again)...

This time between ART Evolved
Administrators Craig Dylke and
Glendon Mellow (here seen in the lobby of the Royal Ontario Museum with [what I believe is the

Throughout Craig's week visit to "The Centre of the Universe" (what we Canadians call Toronto) there were several get
togethers of the our two families. While the wives are missing from this photo (as Glendon's Michelle was kind enough to take this one), star of these hang outs is front row and centre. That being Glendon's rather cute offspring Calvin!
We want to know about and see when members of our community (whether proper blog members or just readers/followers of the site) run into one another. Even if you live in the same city or stumble into one another at a far flung conference or country, please record it and share it with the rest of the community!
Stay tuned next week as Craig has another encounter up his sleeve, and it is a pretty impressive one geographically ;)