
Friday, December 4, 2009

We know its a busy month, but...

So here we are the end of 2009, and in the most busy month of the year. Yet there is still some palaeo-art stuff we'd like to humbly ask you to consider doing in the next few weeks...

Vote for the next gallery

The one we're insisting you all partake in is the poll for March 2010's gallery (located on the right sidebar). This is a fairly big event as it will mark ART Evolved's 1 year anniversary, and will only take a moment of your time.

Now as we recognize for many of our members (and participants) creating a palaeo-art piece for this site every 2 months can be quite demanding, we're trying a different approach to this poll. To start off with you can choose multiple choices from the list, and thus you can really pick subjects you'd like to devote time too.

Additionally as there has been an increasing interest in getting art published in Prehistoric Times we have included some options that are on the magazines up and coming art requests. These have been marked by a (PT) beside the subject. Though we do not wish to see ART Evolved completely dominated by an outside entity, we thought it might be nice to give people the option of creating a piece that could then be possibly published after it appears here. Depending on feedback we'll continue or cease this practise in the future. So please let us know your thoughts on this Prehistoric Times tie in.

Palaeo-Environment Live Blogging

Tis getting around that point before the gallery that we are wondering if anyone is interested in live blogging there pieces construction, and when. Understandably we wouldn't be surprised if there were few takers this month (I myself [Craig] for example am highly unlikely to be able to dedicate a whole day to it). If you are interested though let us know in the comments below or through an email We'll be organizing the formal post in the next week, so the sooner the better.


The Admin Team