
Friday, October 16, 2009

Sauropod Live Blogging Schedule

Prepare for a Palaeo-art filled weekend online!

We have a number of artists taking up the live blogging challenge in preparation for the Sauropod gallery, and you should definitely take the chance to check out their progress!

First off Rachael's effort is documented here.

Mo will be trying to get an incredibly ambitious 24 Sauropods done in 12 hours, starting Saturday from about 11am GMT and going until 11pm

David will be starting on Saturday sometime between 1 and 3 pm, but thinks likely 2.

Peter starts his Saturday morning (clicking this link will take you straight to Peter's labelled posts).

Zach plans to start Saturday sometime.

Craig will also be starting Saturday (actually Sunday in New Zealand, but he is a day ahead of most people out there) in the afternoon (due to time zoning).

Nima begins his live blogging efforts on Sunday at 3:00 Pacific Standard time.

Finally Sean plans to join in the live blogging, but isn't not sure exactly when he'll start yet (stay tuned)

As this is our first time trying to organize such an ambitious multi person/multi timezone project it is a little chaotic to collect and report at moment. Please bear with us through this experimental first try, and we're certain the results will be well worth it.

Check back this post and its comments throughout the weekend for updated times and links as they become available. Artists please be sure to let us know as soon as possible through both comments on this post, and an email so that the site administrators can update this post itself.

If you're an artist who'd still like to participate it is not too late. Just send us a comment on this post or an email to

Also a note to our participating artists, if you could please create a unique label for this event on your posts for us to link to it would be greatly appreciated!

So please check out all the excitment with our first live blogging event!